Great Feminist Quotes to Inspire You this Christmas

As a little gift from Virago to you this yuletide, we wanted to send you all cards . . . not your traditional Christmas card, we’ll admit, but some of our favourite feminist quotations to keep you inspired. They all feature in I Call Myself a Feminist, the essay collection which we published in November, and come from everyone from the Dalai Lama to Amy Schumer, Malala Yousafzai to Mary Wollstonecraft. We hope you enjoy this collection of alternative cards – and feel free to download and share them wherever you like. They are for you. Merry Virago Christmas!

In other exciting news, we’ve just launched our second episode of the Virago podcast. Have a listen to brilliant young feminists Hajar Wright, Isabel Adomakoh Young and Bertie Brandes debating ‘the F-word’, and whether feminism is dead (hint: it isn’t) over on Soundcloud now.