OurShelves with special guest Margaret Atwood

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Does nostalgia change the way you feel about the past?
In this episode of OurShelves Lucy Scholes interviews Margaret Atwood, two-time winner of the Man Booker Prize and author of more than forty works, including fiction, poetry and critical essays. From the medieval inspiration for Game of Thrones to editing out mosquitos from your memories, this episode is a goldmine of facts, guilty pleasures and a little bit on the joy of Hercule Poirot.
Click here to listen.
On the nightstand
The Swallowed Man by Edward Carey
Field Notes From An Unintentional Birder by Julia Zarankin
How Long ’til Black Future Month by N. K. Jemisin
The Undertaking: Life Studies from the Dismal Trade by Thomas Lynch
On your mind
History Will Judge the Complicit by Anne Applebaum for The Atlantic
On repeat
Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries
And Then There Were None
Or David Suchet’s Hercule Poirot
Pass it on
- One I always recommend to young writers is The Gift by Lewis Hyde. It tells you where the arts stand in relation to the way we exchange things.
On the wall
- Me and my daughter, aged 4. Taken in to Central Park when I was on a book tour. She has a very cute little raincoat on.
- My Dad in Northern Quebec, cleaning fish we had caught. I took this photo and I would have been 13 or 14. Time when we’re in it does not usually have the golden retrospective glow that it has when we look back on it . . . I’m glad I did the things I did, even though there were mosquitoes.
On the shelf
- From Eve to Dawn Vol. 1 to 3 by Marilyn French
- A Politically Incorrect Feminist by Phylis Chesler
- The Unwomanly Face of War by Svetlana Alexievic
On the pedestal
- Greta Thunberg
- My friend Ursula K. Le Guinh
- From Eve to Dawn Vol. 1 to 3 by Marilyn French
Tune in next time for more conversation about books, feminism and culture.