OurShelves with special guest Doreen Cunningham

Doreen Cunningham

Doreen Cunningham

OurShelves: Whales with Doreen Cunningham


Doreen Cunningham, author of Soundings, followed the grey whales to the Arctic and she brings what she learnt on her journey into conversation with Lucy Scholes. Listen to Doreen explain how the very grammar of the Inupiat language gives the speaker a more respectful relationship with animals, how the trauma of poverty lingers and how her heroine is a grey whale named Earheart.


Click here to listen.


On the nightstand – books that are currently on your bedside table

Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer and The Marrow Thieves by Cherie Dimaline

On your mind – a recent article, podcast, film, series or song

On Mistaking Whales by Bathsheba Demuth in Granta and ‘I Left Poverty After Writing Maid. But Poverty Never Left Me.’ by Stephanie Land in Time

On the shelf – one book that made you think about feminism in a new way

All About Love by Bell Hooks

On the pedestal – tell us about one person (woman or non-binary) you admire

Earheart and Angela Davis