OurShelves with special guest Kamila Shamsie

OurShelves: Courage with Kamila Shamsie
Is writing a muscle?
Kamila Shamsie, prize winning novelist, fellow of the Royal Society of Literature and Granta Best of Young British author, talks to Lucy Scholes about her great-aunt, Attia Hosain, whose books are newly reissued with her introductions on the Virago Modern Classics list, and how she once took her aside to say, ‘Never stop writing’. In their conversation, they traverse the psychological journey of refugees, remember how reading Woolf for the first time felt like coming up for air and ask how much courage it takes to write.
Click here to listen.
On the nightstand – books that are currently on your bedside table
Sunlight on a Broken Column and Phoenix Fled by Attia Hosain
On your mind – a recent article, podcast, film, series or song
The Guardian Long Read: We tried to be joyful enough to deserve our new lives’: What it’s really like to be a refugee in Britain by Zarlasht Halaimzai
‘As a child, I fled Afghanistan with my family. When we arrived in Britain after a harrowing journey, we thought we could start our new life in safety. But the reality was very different’
On the shelf – one book that made you think about feminism in a new way
To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
On the pedestal – tell us about one person (woman or non-binary) you admire
Tune in next time for more conversation about books, feminism and culture.
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