OurShelves with special guest R.O. Kwon

How can reading rewire your brain?
After a childhood spent calling Henry James her ‘dude’ and Evelyn Waugh her ‘friend’ R. O. Kwon, author of The Incendiaries, talks to Lucy Scholes about how determinedly reading more people of colour and queer voices helps reconfigure her internal world to match her external world – where straight is not the default. Join her conversation with Lucy Scholes as they break down the myth of the selfish male artist and figure out how to talk about her latest book Kink, a collection of erotic short stories, with religious Asian parents.
Click here to listen.
On the nightstand – books that are currently on your bedside table
Danielle Evans’s The Office of Historical Corrections
Torrey Peters’s Detransition, Baby
On your mind – a recent article, podcast, film, series or song
The Stacks podcast, an episode with Jenna Wortham and Kimberly Drew
On the shelf – one book that made you think about feminism in a new way
Audre Lorde, Selected Writings
On the pedestal – tell us about one person (woman or non-binary) you admire
Nicole Chung
Tune in next time for more conversation about books, feminism and culture.
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