OurShelves with special guest Sigrid Nunez

How do you overcome criticism?
In this episode of OurShelves Lucy Scholes interviews Sigrid Nunez, author of eight novels, including A Feather on the Breath of God, The Last of Her Kind, Salvation City, The Friend and, most recently, What Are You Going Through. She is also the author of Sempre Susan: A Memoir of Susan Sontag.
Lucy and Sigrid discuss the music of Odetta, the comfort of creatures, and her friendship with Elizabeth Hardwick.
Click here to listen.
On the nightstand
Vespa Flights by Helen McDonald
Memorial Drive by Natasha Trethewey
Idaho by Emily Ruskovich
X+Y by Eugenia Cheng
The High House by Jessie Greengrass
On your mind
Katherine Rundell’s Consider the… series for the London Review of Books
On repeat
The music of Odetta.
‘Her musicality is stunning and she was a hero to the folk music movement. She was born in 1930 in Birmingham, Alabama and sang at the same march Martin Luther King Jnr. made his I Have a Dream Speech.’
Pass it on
Middlemarch by George Eliot
On the pedestal
Jane Goodall
On the wall
A photograph of novelist and friend Elizabeth Hardwick, shot by Marion Ettinger.
On the shelf
The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir
A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf
Tune in next time for more conversation about books, feminism and culture.